8. December 2022.

Coeliac disease and non-adherence to the diet?

Almost 15- years old boy Antonín was diagnosed with celiac disease (CD) in May 2015 […]
30. November 2022.

A case for discussion: what is the next step?

Six years old boy, presented to our Clinic with recurrent abdominal painfor more than 6 […]
16. November 2022.

Celiac disease, yes or not? How to interpret positive TGA in a patient with transplanted liver?

Here we present an 11 years old boy who, because of biliary atresia and failed […]
21. September 2022.

A case report of a patient with a late relapse

We present a patient who was diagnosed with coeliac disease at the age of 21 […]
3. July 2022.

Case to discuss: celiac disease or autoimmune enteropathy?

A female patient, 6 years old, was recently diagnosed with diabetes mellitus type 1. She […]
20. June 2022.

“Misdiagnosis because pediatrician did not follow guidelines ?”

History Emil presented at 10 years of age because of abdominal pain, and diarrhea since […]
13. April 2022.

Case report – Medical University Graz, Austria

Patient’s history: A three years 10 months old girl was referred from the General Paediatrician […]
4. March 2022.

Case of the month – March

We present the case of a 3 years old girl, referred to our clinic for […]
1. February 2022.

Coeliac disease and gastroesophageal reflux

11- years old girl Anna was diagnosed with celiac disease in October 2020,confirmed by enterobiopsy. […]