History at 22 months of age
Recurrent vomiting, constipation, 2 kg weight loss, iron deficiency anemia
Mother has celiac disease
CeD-Serology (tissue transglutaminase antibodies, TGA)
at pediatrician (Lab A)
at hospital (Lab B)
Histopathology: Marsh 3c
Diagnosis: Celiac disease
Start of strict gluten free diet (GFD)
Follow up: Vomiting and anemia resolved, good weight gain, but new symptoms: abdominal pain, bloating and diarrhea
CeD-Serology at pediatrician (Lab A): 8, 9, 13 und 15 months after starting strict GFD:
TGA-IgA = >200 RE/ml (normal <20 U/ml) all 4 time points
EMA-IgA 1:1280 (15 months after start of GFD)
Age 3.5 years (20 months after starting strict GFD)
EGD & colonoscopy because of symptoms and no decline of CeD specific autoantibodies
Histopathology: Duodenum Marsh 3b, other gastric and colonic biopsies normal
Diagnosis: Refractory celiac disease Type 1
Age 4 years: Referal to Celiac Center at Dr von Hauner Children’s Hospital, University of Munich, because of »refractory CeD« and continous diarrhea while keeping strict GFD since 2.2 years
Biopsies taken 6 months ago were reassessed by pathoolgists in Munich and Marsh 3b was confirmed.
Physical examination: very active child, except little distended abdomen perfectly normal, growth since diagnosis along the 60th percentile
BMI: increase from the 25th to the 88th percentile for age and sex (Fig. 1)
Dietary assessment: No evidence of gluten ingestion, high intake of energy and fructose, 3 L of diluted apple juice/per day
EGD: normal duodenal villi
Histopathology : Marsh 0
CeD-Serology: TGA-IgA 30 U/ml (normal <7I
Diagnosis Celiac disease in remission, Symptoms due to overfeeding and excess of juice with fructose malabsorption.
Treatment: Energy and fructose restrictions, symptoms resolved
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